Dahlen is a city in Nelson County, North Dakota in the United States. The population was 38 at the 2000 census.
Dahlen is also the home to North Dakota's third tallest tower, the WDAZ TV Tower, which is 445.2 meters (1,460.2 feet) tall. The tower is used by television stations WDAZ and KGFE of Grand Forks, ND.
Cuisine | Geography | Governors | History | Music
Badlands | Coteau du Missouri | Drift Prairie | Red River Valley | Turtle Mountains
Beulah-Hazen | Bismarck-Mandan | Devils Lake | Dickinson | Fargo-West Fargo | Grafton | Grand Forks | Jamestown | Minot | Rugby | Valley City | Wahpeton | Williston
Adams | Barnes | Benson | Billings | Bottineau | Bowman | Burke | Burleigh | Cass | Cavalier | Dickey | Divide | Dunn | Eddy | Emmons | Foster | Golden Valley | Grand Forks | Grant | Griggs | Hettinger | Kidder | LaMoure | Logan | McHenry | McIntosh | McKenzie | McLean | Mercer | Morton | Mountrail | Nelson | Oliver | Pembina | Pierce | Ramsey | Ransom | Renville | Richland | Rolette | Sargent | Sheridan | Sioux | Slope | Stark | Steele | Stutsman | Towner | Traill | Walsh | Ward | Wells | Williams