The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation is a standing committee of the United States Senate in charge of all senate matters related to the following subjects:
It also studies and reviews matters relating to science and technology, oceans policy, transportation, communications, and consumer affairs, and reports on those findings.
Coast Guard
Coastal zone management
Highway safety
Inland waterways, except construction
Interstate commerce
Marine and ocean navigation, safety, and transportation
Marine fisheries
Merchant marine and navigation
Nonmilitary aeronautical and space sciences
Oceans, weather, and atmospheric activities
Panama Canal and other interoceanic canals
Regulation of consumer products and services, including testing related to toxic substances, other than pesticides, and except for credit, financial services, and housing
Regulation of interstate common carriers, including railroads, buses, trucks, vessels, pipelines, and civil aviation
Science, engineering, and technology research and development and policy
Standards and measurement
Transportation and commerce aspects of Outer Continental Shelf lands Membership, 110th Congress
The original progenitors of this committee were:
United States Senate Committee on Commerce and Manufactures (1816-1825)
United States Senate Committee on Commerce (1825-1946, 1961-1977)
United States Senate Committee on Manufactures (1825-1855, 1864-1946)
United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce (1885-1946)
United States Senate Committee on Interoceanic Canals (1899-1946)
United States Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce (1946-1961)
United States Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences (1958-1977)
William Hunter (F-RI) 1816-1817
Nathan Sanford (R-NY) 1817-1820
Mahlon Dickerson (R-NJ) 1820-1825 Committee on Commerce and Manufactures, 1816-1825
James Lloyd (NR-MA) 1825-1826
Josiah Johnston (NR-LA) 1826-1827
Levi Woodbury (D-NH) 1827-1831
John Forsyth (D-GA) 1831-1832
William R. King (D-AL) 1832-1833
Nathaniel Silsbee (W-MA) 1833-1835
John Davis (W-MA) 1835-1836
William R. King (D-AL) 1836-1841
Jabez Huntington (W-CT) 1841-1845
William Haywood (D-NC) 1845-1846
John Dix (D-NY) 1846-1849
Hannibal Hamlin (D-ME) 1849-1856
Henry Dodge (D-WI) 1856-1857
Clement Claiborne Clay (D-AL) 1857-1861
Zachariah Chandler (R-MI) 1861-1875
Roscoe Conkling (R-NY) 1875-1879
John B. Gordon (D-GA) 1879-1880
Matt Ransom (D-GA) 1880-1881
Samuel J. R. McMillan (R-MN) 1881-1887
William P. Frye (R-ME) 1887-1893
Matt Ransom (D-NC) 1893-1895
William P. Frye (R-ME) 1895-1911
Knute Nelson (R-MN) 1911-1913
James P. Clarke (D-AR) 1913-1916
Duncan U. Fletcher (D-FL) 1916-1919
Wesley L. Jones (R-WA) 1919-1930
Hiram W. Johnson (R-CA) 1930-1933
Hubert D. Stephens (D-MS) 1933-1935
Royal S. Copeland (D-NY) 1935-1939
Josiah W. Bailey (D-NC) 1939-1947 Committee on Interstate Commerce, 1887-1947
Wallace H. White, Jr. (R-ME) 1947-1949
Edwin C. Johnson (D-CO) 1949-1953
Charles W. Tobey (R-NH) 1953
John W. Bricker (R-OH) 1953-1955
Warren G. Magnuson (D-WA) 1955-1961 Committee on Commerce, 1961-1977
Warren G. Magnuson (D-WA) 1977-1978
Howard W. Cannon (D-NV) 1978-1981
Bob Packwood (R-OR) 1981-1985
John Danforth (R-MO) 1985-1987
Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC) 1987-1995
Larry Pressler (R-SD) 1995-1997
John McCain (R-AZ) 1997-2001
Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC) 2001
John McCain (R-AZ) 2001
Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC) 2001-2003
John McCain (R-AZ) 2003-2005
Ted Stevens (R-AK) 2005-2007
Daniel K. Inouye (D-HI) 2007-