Thursday, January 31, 2008


New York, a U.S. state (population 19,227,088)

  • New York City, a city in the above state (population 8,008,278)
    New York County, generally referred to as Manhattan, a county fully contained in the above city (population 1,537,195)
    New York metropolitan area, New York City and its suburbs in different states (population 21,923,089)
    Province of New York, New York before it became a state in 1776
    New York, Missouri, a former community founded in 1835-36 about 2.75 mi (4.5 km) upriver from Commerce, Missouri.
    New York, Texas, a hamlet in Henderson County, Texas. New York (disambiguation) United States

    New York, Lincolnshire
    New York, Tyne and Wear Songs

    USS New York, the name of several United States Navy ships
    New York (magazine), a magazine
    New York (album), an album by Lou Reed
    New York (typeface), used in early Macintosh computers
    New York (Antti Tuisku album), an album by Antti Tuisku
    New New York, a fictional city in the Futurama universe
    New York & Company, a clothing retailer
    Tiffany Pollard, a contestant on Flavor of Love who was given the nickname "New York" and star of I Love New York (TV series)
    New York: A Documentary Film, a film by Ric Burns

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ctenocystoidea Robison & Sprinkle, 1969
Eocrinoidea Jaekel, 1899
Paracrinoidea Regnéll, 1945
Cystoidea von Buch, 1846
† = extinct
Echinoderms (Phylum Echinodermata, from the Greek for spiny skin) are a phylum of marine animals found at all ocean depths. The phylum appeared near the start of the Cambrian period, and contains about 7,000 living species, making it the second largest grouping of deuterostomes, after the chordates; they are the largest phylum without freshwater or terrestrial representatives.
The Echinoderms are important both biologically and geologically: biologically because few other groupings are so abundant in the biotic desert of the deep sea, as well as the shallower oceans, and geologically as their ossified skeletons are major contributors to many limestone formations, and can provide valuable clues as to the geological environment. Further, it is held by some that the radiation of echinoderms was responsible for the Mesozoic revolution of marine life.
Two main subdivisions of Echinoderms are traditionally recognised: the more familiar, motile Eleutherozoa, which encompasses the Asteroidea (starfish), Ophiuroidea (brittle stars), Echinoidea (sea urchin and sand dollar) and Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers); and the sessile Pelmatazoa, which consist of the crinoids. Some crinoids, the feather stars, have secondarily re-evolved a free-living lifestyle. A fifth class of Eleutherozoa consisting of just two species, the Concentricycloidea (sea daisies), were recently merged into the Asteroidea. The fossil record contains a host of other classes which do not appear to fall into any extant crown group.

Homalozoa Gill & Caster, 1960
Blastozoa Physiology
With a symmetrical animal, the traditional designation of a front and back, posterior and anterior becomes troublesome - what does one term the front? To get around this, a different terminology is used with the Echinoderms. The mouth and anus of the developing adult migrate simultaneously from the front and back of the larvum to opposite ends of the organism, allowing the description of an "oral" (containing the mouth) and opposite "aboral" side. Grazing organisms such as sea urchins tend to have their mouth on the substrate upon which they are feeding, and their anus on their "top" surface; burrowers such as sea cucumbers have their mouth at their front, and the anus behind their direction of travel. Hence the sea-cucumbers appear to have evolved from a sea-urchin-like organism which gradually tipped on its side and lengthened. The individual limbs can be named on the basis of a break in the symmetry provided by the "filter plate". This lies beside the anus on the aboral plate, between two of the radial arms; the radial limbs are designated letters A to E in a clockwise direction from this marker.

Describing a symmetrical organism
In spite of their potentially misleading name and sometimes foreboding appearance, the echinoderms do not possess an external skeleton. Rather, a thin outermost skin covers a mesodermal endoskeleton made of tiny calcified plates and spines, which forms a rigid support contained within tissues of the organism. Some groups, such as the sea urchins, also possess calcareous spines that serve to protect the organism from predation and colonisation by encrusting organisms; the sea cucumbers secondarily use these spines for locomotion. These spines too are covered by a thin layer of epidermis.
The calcite grown by the organisms is diagnostically rich in the element magnesium; they may consist of 3 to 15 % magnesium oxide. The abundance of this small element property confers them a higher skeletal density, and the chemical properties of magnesium encourage it to form stronger bonds - making for a stronger, more resistant skeleton. The feeding apparatus of the echinoderms is particularly enriched in magnesium; the rock-grazing lifestyle of the sea urchins makes their mandibles especially prone to wear, thus the extra strength provides a significant advantage, outweighing the metabolic costs involved in concentrating the magnesium.
Despite the robustness of the individual skeletal modules, complete echinoderm skeletons are rare in the fossil record. This is because they quickly disarticulate once the encompassing skin rots away, and in the absence of tissue there is nothing to hold the plates together. The modular construction is a result of the growth system employed by echinoderms, which adds new segments at the centre of the radial limbs, pushing the existing plates outwards in the fashion of a conveyor belt. The spines of sea urchins are most readily lost, as they are not even attached to the main skeleton in life. Each spine can be moved individually and is thus only loosely attached in life; a walk above a rocky shore will often reveal a large number of spineless but otherwise complete sea urchin skeletons.
Skeletal elements are also deployed in some specialised ways; as well as the famous feeding organ of the sea urchins, the "Aristotle's lantern", crinoids' stalks and the supportive "lime ring" of sea cucumbers consist of specialised calcite plates.
The epidermis itself consists of cells responsible for the support and maintenance of the skeleton, as well as pigment cells, mechanoreceptor cells, which detect motion on the animal's surface, and sometimes gland cells which secrete sticky fluids or even toxins.
The varied and often vivid colours of the echinoderms are produced by the action of the skin pigment cells. These may be light sensitive, and as a result many species change appearance completely as night falls. The reaction can happen very quickly — the sea urchin Centrostephanus discolours longispinus changes from jet black to grey-brown in just 50 minutes when exposed to light. The colours are produced by a variable combination of coloured pigments, such as the dark Melanin, red Carotinoids, and Carotinproteins, which can be blue, green or violet.

Skin and skeleton
Echinoderms possess a water vascular system, a network of fluid-filled canals that function in gas exchange, feeding, and secondarily in locomotion. This system may have allowed them to function without the gill slits found in other Deuterostomes. The system comprises a central ring, the hydrocoel, and radial ambulacra stretching along each limb of the organism. As well as assisting with the distribution of nutrients through the animal, the system is most obviously expressed in the "tube-feet" of most echinoderms. These are extensions of the water vascular system which poke through holes in the skeleton and can be extended or contracted by the redistribution of fluid between the foot and an internal sac. In the crinoids, these tube feet waft food particles captured on the radial limbs towards the central mouth; in the asteroids, the same wafting motion is employed to move the animal across the ground. Sea urchins use their feet to prevent the larvae of encrusting organisms from settling on their surfaces; potential settlers are moved to the urchin's mouth and devoured. Some burrowing sea poke their tube feet through the surface of the sand or mud above them into the water column and use them to attain oxygen from the water column.

The water vascular system
Whilst echinoderms possess a complete digestive tube (tubular gut), it is very simple, often simply leading directly from mouth to anus. It can generally be divided into a throat, stomach, intestine and rectum. They also possess an open and reduced circulatory system — consisting of a central ring and five radial vessels, but no heart.
They have a simple radial nervous system that consists of a modified nerve net — interconnected neurons with no central brain (although some do possess ganglia. Nerves radiate from central rings around the mouth into each arm; the branches of these nerves coordinate the movements of the animal.
The gonads of the organisms occupy the entire body cavities of sea urchins and sea cucumbers; the less voluminous crinoids, brittle stars and starfish having two gonads per arm. Whilst the primitive condition is considered to be one genital aperture, many organisms have multiple holes through which eggs or sperm may be released.

Other organs
Echinoderms become sexually mature after approximately two to three years, depending on the species and the environmental conditions. The eggs and sperm cells are released into open water, after they have had sex with each other, where fertilization takes place. The release of sperm and eggs is co-ordinated temporally in some species, and spatially in others. Internal fertilization has currently been observed in three species of starfish, three brittle stars and a deep water sea cucumber.
In some species of feather star, the embryos develop in special breeding bags, where the eggs are held until sperm released by a male happen to find them and fertilize the contents. This can also be found among sea urchins and sea cucumbers, where exhibit care for their young can occur, for instance in a few species of sand dollars who carry their young between the pricks of their oral side, and heart urchins possess breeding chambers. With brittle stars, special chambers can be developed near the stomach bags, in which the development of the young takes place. Species of sea cucumbers with specialized care for their offspring may also nurse the young in body cavities or on their surfaces. In rare cases, direct development without passing through a bilateral larval stage can occur in some starfish and brittle stars.

Sexual reproduction
The development of an echinoderm begins with a bilaterally symmetrical embryo, with a coeloblastula developing first. Gastrulation marks the opening of the "second mouth" that places them within the deuterostomes, and the mesoderm, which will host the skeleton, migrates inwards. The secondary body cavity, the coelom, forms by the partitioning of three body cavities. Upon metamorphosis, each taxon produces a distinct larvum, the left hand side of which develops into the adult organism, the right hand side eventually being absorbed; the left hand side typically becomes the oral plate.
F.M. Balfour and Williamson (2003) argue that the original echinoderms were radial protostomes and the bilateral larvae were later additions.

Larval development
Many echinoderms have remarkable powers of regeneration: a sea star cut radially into a number of parts will, over the course of several months, regenerate into as many separate, viable sea stars. A section as small as a single arm (with the commensurate central-body mass and neural tissue) will, in ideal circumstances, successfully regenerate in this way. Some echinoderms go so far as to actively detach parts of their bodies if they perceive themselves to be in danger; sea cucumbers often discharge parts of their internal organs, and sea urchins are constantly losing their spines through damage; all parts are replaceable. Some starfish populations can reproduce entirely asexually purely by the shedding of arms for long periods of time.

Asexual reproduction
Echinoderms are globally distributed in almost all depths, latitudes and environments in the ocean. They reach highest diversity in reef environments but are also widespread on shallow shores, around the poles — refugia where crinoids are at their most abundant — and throughout the deep ocean, where bottom-dwelling and burrowing sea cucumbers are common — sometimes accounting for up to 90 % of organisms. Whilst almost all echinoderms are benthic — that is, they live on the sea floor — some sea-lilies can swim at great velocity for brief periods of time, and a few deep-sea sea cucumbers are fully floating. Some crinoids are pseudo-planktonic, attaching themselves to floating logs and debris, although this behaviour was exercised most extensively in the Paleozoic, before competition from such organisms as barnacles restricted the extent of the behaviour. Some sea cucumbers employ a similar strategy, hitching lifts by attaching to the sides of fish. The larvæ of many echinoderms, especially starfish and sea urchins, are pelagic, and with the aid of ocean currents can swim great distances, reinforcing the global distribution of the phylum.

Distribution and habitat

Echinodermata Mode of life
The modes of feeding vary greatly between the constituent taxa. Crinoids and some brittle stars tend to be passive filter-feeders, absorbing suspended particles from passing water; sea urchins are grazers, sea cucumbers deposit feeders, and starfish active hunters.
Crinoids employ a large net-like structure to sieve water as it is swept by currents, and to adsorb any particles of matter sinking from the ocean overhead. Once a particle touches the arms of the creature, the tube feet act to swish it to the central mouth of the crinoid, where it is ingested, nutrients removed, and the remains egested through its anus to the underlying water column.
Many sea urchins graze on the surfaces of rocks, scraping off the thin layer of algae covering the surfaces. Other toothless breeds devour smaller organisms, which they may catch with their tube feet, whole. Sand dollars may perform suspension feeding.
Sea cucumbers may be suspension feeders, sucking vast quantities of sea water through their guts and absorbing any useful matter. Others use their feeding apparatus to actively capture food from the sea floor. Yet others deploy their feeding apparatus as a net, in which smaller organisms become ensnared.
Whilst some starfish are detritovores, extracting the organic material from mud, and others mimic the crinoids' filter feeding, most are active hunters, attacking other starfish or shellfish. The latter are seized and held by the tube feet; starfish then stiffen their legs, expanding the shell. The starfish can use catch connective tissue to lock their arms in place and maintain a force on the prey whilst exerting minimal effort; the unfortunate victim must expend energy resisting the force with its abductor muscle. When the abductor tires, the starfish can insert its stomach through the opening and release gastric juices, digesting the prey alive.

Avoiding predation
Echinoderms provide a key ecological role in ecosystems. For example, the grazing of sea urchins reduces the rate of colonisation of bare rock; the burrowing of sand dollars and sea cucumbers depleted the sea floor of nutrients and encouraged deeper penetration of the sea floor, increasing the depth to which oxygenation occurs and allowing a more complex ecological tiering to develop. Starfish and brittle stars prevent the growth of algal mats on coral reefs, which would obstruct the filter-feeding constituent organisms. Some sea urchins can bore into solid rock; this bioerosion can destabilise rock faces and release nutrients into the ocean.
The echinoderms are also the staple diet of many organisms, most notably the otter; conversely, many sea cucumbers provide a habitat for parasites, including crabs, worms and snails. The extinction of large quantities of echinoderms appears to have caused a subsequent overrunning of ecosystems by seaweed, or the destruction of an entire reef.

(last æon of the Precambrian)
The first universally accepted echinoderms appear in the Cambrian period around 540 million years ago, although some organisms from the Ediacaran, such as Arkarua and Tribrachidium have been classified tentatively as echinoderms. During the Cambrian explosion, many large groups developed that have since gone extinct. The Helicoplacoidea — spirally developed animals which represent the first firm echinoderms — became extinct as soon as the early Cambrian. The asymmetrical Carpoidea, which have been attached to many taxa but are probably stem group organisms, survived somewhat longer. Of the four Carpoid taxa, two outlived the Cambrian, but these also disappeared during the course of the Palaeozoic.
From the unsuccessful groups of the Cambrian, the already Eocrinoidea and Edrioasteroidea developed, from which the modern representatives of the Echinoderms are themselves derived. These represent the basis for a further radiation of the Echinoderms in the lower Ordovician. The Eocrinoidea were characterised by a mouth opening directed upward as well as the acquisition of appendices of body in the form of Brachiola, genuine arms. Within this group, the Cystoidea and the Blastoidea, as well as the Parablastoidea and the Paracrinoidea, developed. Whether extant sea-lilies and feather stars are part of this group is poorly known.
The Edrioasteroidea possessed neither anchorage organs nor Brachiolen, but the mouth opening was relocated to the lower surface of the animals, with the anus migrating to the top. These animals formed the root of the Eleutherozoa, which contain all the non-crinoid echinoderms belong.
Althought the common ancestor of the present groups had a pentameral symmetry, further sections have since evolved in some species of starfish and brittlestars, giving them from six to at least nine sections in total instead of the usual five.

Most humans know the Echinoderms rather from the unpleasant side: if one find oneself near the coast, on a rocky shore or reef, one must beware the poisonous prick of a sea urchin. Because of their fine, circular structure they often break off when removed, and need patience — or the physician — to fully remove. But in the kitchens of some countries, Echinoderms are regarded as a delicacy; and for children sea-urchin skeletons are as popular a collecting object as brightly coloured starfish are fascinating.
The economic impact of Echinoderms is primarily local. Around 50,000 tons of sea urchins are captured each year, the gonads of which are consumed particularly in Japan, Peru and in France. The taste is described as soft and melting, like a mix of seafood and fruit. The quality depends on the color, which can range from light yellow to bright orange.
Sea cucumbers are also considered a delicacy in some countries of south east Asia; particularly popular are the pineapple roller Thelenota ananas (susuhan) and the red Halodeima edulis. They are well known as bêche de mer or Trepang in China and Indonesia. The sea cucumbers are dried, and the potentially poisonous entrails removed. The strong poisons of the sea cucumbers are often psychoactive, but their effects are not well studied. It does appear that some sea cucumber toxins restrain the growth rate of tumour cells, which has sparked interest from cancer researchers.
The calcareous tests of echinoderms are used as a source of lime by farmers in areas where limestone is unavailable; indeed 4 000 tons of the animals are used annually for this purpose. This trade is often carried out in conjunction with shellfish farmers, for whom the starfish pose a major irritation by eating their stocks.


Black, R M (1973). The Elements of Palaeontology, 3rd impression. Cambridge University Press, 340pp + xviii, ISBN 0-521-09615-4. (Chapter 9 deals with Echinoids).
Clark, A M (1968). Starfishes and their relations, 2nd edition. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), 120pp + vi.
Clarkson, E N K (1993). Invertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution, 3rd edition. Chapman & Hall, 434pp + ix, ISBN 0-412-47990-7. (Chapter 9 covers Echinoderms).
Nichols, D (1969). Echinoderms, 4th (revised) edition. Hutchinson University Library, 192pp, ISBN 0-09-065994-5. (This is the same Nichols who produced the seminal work on the mode of life of the irregular echinoid, Micraster, in the English chalk).
Shrock R R & Twenhofel W H (1953). Principles of Invertebrate Paleontology, 2nd edition. McGraw Hill International Series on the Earth Sciences, 816pp + xx, LCC 52-5341. (Chapter 14 covers Echinoderma).
Williamson D I (2003). "The Origins of Larvae", xviii + 261 pp, ISBN 1-4020-1514-3. Kluwer. Dordrecht. (Chaps 8-12 cover echinoderm larvae).

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Portage and Main
Portage and Main is an intersection in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It is located in the heart of downtown Winnipeg at the place where Portage Avenue and Main Street intersect. It was once the centre for the banking industry in Western Canada. It is also the site of the famous Winnipeg General Strike of 1919. Portage and Main is the brunt of popular jokes referring to it as the 'coldest intersection in Canada'. The phrase 'Portage and Main' has come to refer to city of Winnipeg as a whole.
There are countless cultural references to the intersection, including the 1992 Randy Bachman and Neil Young hit song "Prairie Town", with the chorus repeating the line "Portage and Main, 50 below." The British band Blurt have a song named 'Portage & Main" on their album "The Kenny Rogers' Greatest Hit" The intersection is also featured as a property on the Canadian Monopoly board. The city of Winnipeg is currently looking at various proposals to reopen the intersection to pedestrian traffic — pedestrians currently being forced to cross the busy intersection through underground tunnels.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Peter Arne Jöback (born June 4, 1971 in Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish singer and musical artist, and is regarded as being one of Sweden's best male vocalists.



2007: Stockholm i natt
2007: Italy vs Helsinki, together with the band Laakso
2007: Jag står för allt jag gjort
2006: Jag blundar i solens sken
2004: Sommarens sista sång
2004: Du har förlorat mer än jag
2003: Gå inte förbi, together with Sissel
2002: She's Like A Butterfly
2002: Sinner
2001: Under My Skin
2000: Tonight
2000: Higher
1999: Hon ser inte mig
1998: Vem ser ett barn
1997: En sång om oss
1996: Guldet blev till sand
1993: Nu när jag funnit dig
1993: Det ingen annan vet
1993: Du är min längtan
1992: More Than A Game
1991: This Time
1990: Let's Kiss (Like Angels Do)
1990: En sensation Peter JöbackPeter Jöback Cast Recordings/Soundtracks

2007: Cabaret, in Gothenburg
2006: Cabaret, in Stockholm
2005: Rhapsody in rock, Sweden tour
2005: Consert tour in Norway
2003: Cabaret, in Copenhagen
2000: Stuart Little
2000: The Witches of Eastwick, in London
1999: Där Regnbågen Slutar
1998: Jesus Christ Superstar
1998: Personliga Val - Live
1998: Peter Jöback Show
1997: Miss Saigon, in London
1997: Peter Jöback - A Musical Voyage
1995-98: Kristina Från Duvemåla
1994-95: Musical Express 1 & 2
1994: Djungelboken
1993-94: Fame
1993: Aladdin
1991-92: Grease
1990: West Side Story
1990: Melodifestivalen
1988: Här & Nu
1984-85: Kavallerijungfrun
1983-84: Snövit (Snow white)
1982-84: Sound Of Music
1982-83: Mio Min Mio

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Two Treatises of Government (or Two Treatises of Government: In the Former, The False Principles and Foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, And His Followers, are Detected and Overthrown. The Latter is an Essay concerning The True Original, Extent, and End of Civil-Government) is a work of political philosophy published anonymously in 1689 by John Locke. The First Treatise attacks patriarchalism in the form of sentence-by-sentence refutation of Robert Filmer's Patriarcha and the Second Treatise outlines a theory of civil society based on natural rights and contract theory.

Publication history
The Two Treatises is divided into the First Treatise and the Second Treatise. The original title of the Second Treatise appears to have been simply "Book II," corresponding to the title of the First Treatise, "Book I." Before publication, however, Locke gave it greater prominence by (hastily) inserting a separate title page: "An Essay Concerning the True Original, Extent and End of Civil Government." The First Treatise is focused on the refutation of Sir Robert Filmer, in particular his Patriarcha which argued that civil society was founded on a divinely-sanctioned patriarchalism. Locke proceeds through Filmer's arguments, contesting his proofs from Scripture and ridiculing them as senseless, until concluding that no government can be justified by an appeal to the divine right of kings.
The Second Treatise outlines a theory of civil society. Locke begins by describing the state of nature, a picture much more stable than Thomas Hobbes' state of "war of every man against every man," and argues that all men are created equal in the state of nature by God. From this, he goes on to explain the hypothetical rise of property and civilization, in the process explaining that the only legitimate governments are those which have the consent of the people. Thus, any government that rules without the consent of the people can, in theory, be overthrown.

Main ideas
The First Treatise is an extended attack on Sir Robert Filmer Patriarcha. Locke's argument proceeds along two lines: first, he undercuts the Scriptural support that Filmer had offered for his thesis, and second he argues that the acceptance of Filmer's thesis can lead only to absurdity. Locke chose Filmer as his target, he says, because of his reputation and because he "carried this Argument [jure divino] farthest, and is supposed to have brought it to perfection" (1 Tr., §79)
Locke ends the First Treatise by examining the history told in the Bible and the history of the world since then; he concludes that there is no evidence to support Filmer's hypothesis. According to Locke, no king has ever claimed that his authority rested upon his being the heir of Adam. It is Filmer, Locke alleges, that is the innovator in politics, not those who assert the natural equality and freedom of man.

First Treatise
The Second Treatise is notable for a number of themes which Locke develops therein. It begins with a depiction of the state of nature, wherein individuals are under no obligation to obey one another but are each themselves judge of what the law of nature requires. It also covers conquest and slavery, property, representative government, and the right of revolution.

Second Treatise
The work of Thomas Hobbes made theories based upon a state of nature popular in Seventeenth-Century England, even as most of those who employed such arguments were deeply troubled by his absolutist conclusions. Locke's state of nature can be seen in light of this tradition. Because there is no divinely ordained monarch over all the world, as was argued in the First Treatise, the natural state of mankind is anarchic. In contrast to Hobbes, who posited the state of nature as a hypothetical possibility, Locke is at great pains to show that such a state did indeed exist. Indeed, it exists wherever there is no legitimate government.
While no individual in this state may tell another what to do or authoritatively pronounce justice in a given case, men are not free to do whatever they please. "The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it" (2 Tr., §123)
What should be a state of peace very quickly begins to look like the state of war that Hobbes described (though the ill enforcement of the law of nature does not release individuals from their obligation to it, as it does in Hobbes).
It is to avoid the state of war that often occurs in the state of nature and to protect their private property that men enter into political society. It is also the state to which men return upon the dissolution of government, i.e., under tyranny.

State of nature
Ch. 4 ("Of Slavery") and Ch. 16 ("Of Conquest") are sources of some confusion: the former provides a justification for slavery, the latter, the rights of conquerors. Because the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina provided that a master had perfect authority over his slaves, some have taken these chapters to be an apology for the institution of slavery in Colonial America.
Most Locke scholars roundly reject this reading, as it is directly at odds with the text. The extent of Locke's involvement in drafting the Fundamental Constitutions is a matter of some debate, but even attributing full culpability for its contents and for his having profited from the Atlantic slave trade, the majority of experts will concede that Locke may have been a hypocrite in this matter, but are adamant that no part of the Two Treatises can be used to provide theoretical support for slavery by bare right of conquest.
In the rhetoric of seventeenth-century England, those who opposed the increasing power of the kings claimed that the country was headed for a condition of slavery. Locke therefore asks, facetiously, under what conditions such slavery might be justified. He notes that slavery cannot come about as a matter of contract (which will be the basis of Locke's political system). To be a slave is to be subject to the absolute, arbitrary power of another; as men do not have this power even over themselves, they cannot sell or otherwise grant it to another. One that is deserving of death, i.e., who has violated the law of nature, may be enslaved. This is, however, "but the state of war continued" (2 Tr., §24), and even one justly a slave therefore has no obligation to obedience.
In providing a justification for slavery, he has rendered all forms of slavery as it actually exists invalid. Moreover, as one may not submit to slavery, there is a moral injunction to attempt to throw off and escape it whenever it looms. Most scholars take this to be Locke's point regarding slavery: submission to absolute monarchy is a violation of the law of nature, for one does not have the right to enslave oneself.
The legitimacy of an English king depended on (somehow) demonstrating descent from William the Conqueror: the right of conquest was therefore a topic rife with constitutional connotations. Locke does not say that all subsequent English monarchs have been illegitimate, but he does make their rightful authority dependent solely upon their having acquired the people's approbation.
Locke first argues that, clearly, aggressors in an unjust war can claim no right of conquest: everything they despoil may be retaken as soon as the dispossessed have the strength to do so. Their children retain this right, so an ancient usurpation does not become lawful with time. The rest of the chapter then considers what rights a just conqueror might have.
The argument proceeds negatively: Locke proposes one power a conqueror could gain, and then demonstrates how in point of fact that power cannot be claimed. He gains no authority over those that conquered with him, for they did not wage war unjustly: thus, whatever other right William may have had in England, he could not claim kingship over his fellow Normans by right of conquest. The subdued are under the conqueror's despotical authority, but only those who actually took part in the fighting. Those who were governed by the defeated aggressor do not become subject to the authority of the victorious aggressor. They lacked the power to do an unjust thing, and so could not have granted that power to their governors: the aggressor therefore was not acting as their representative, and they cannot be punished for his actions. And while the conqueror may seize the person of the vanquished aggressor in an unjust war, he cannot seize the latter's property: he may not drive the innocent wife and children of a villain into poverty for another's unjust acts, and so while the property is technically that of the defeated, his innocent dependents have a claim to it to which the just conqueror must yield. He cannot seize more than the vanquished could forfeit, and the latter had no right to ruin his dependents. (He may, however, demand and take reparations for the damages suffered in the war, so long as these leave enough in the possession of the aggressor's dependants for their survival).
In so arguing, Locke accomplishes two objectives. First, he neutralizes the claims of those who see all authority flowing from William I by the latter's right of conquest. In the absence of any other claims to authority (e.g., Filmer's primogeniture from Adam, divine anointment, etc.), all kings would have to found their authority on the consent of the governed. Second, he removes much of the incentive for conquest in the first place, for even in a just war the spoils are limited to the persons of the defeated and reparations sufficient only to cover the costs of the war, and even then only when the aggressor's territory can easily sustain such costs (i.e., it can never be a profitable endeavor). Needless to say, the bare claim that one's spoils are the just compensation for a just war does not suffice to make it so, in Locke's view.

Conquest and slavery
In the Second Treatise, Locke claims that civil society was created for the protection of property. In saying this, he relies on the etymological root of "property," Latin proprius, or that which is one's own, including oneself (cf. French propre). Thus, by "property" he means "life, liberty, and estate." By saying that political society was established for the better protection of property, he claims that it serves the private (and non-political) interests of its constituent members: it does not promote some good which can be realized only in community with others (e.g., virtue).
For this account to work, individuals must possess some property outside of society, i.e., in the state of nature: the state cannot be the sole origin of property, declaring what belongs to whom. If the purpose of government is the protection of property, the latter must exist independently of the former. Filmer had said that, if there even were a state of nature (which he denied), everything would be held in common: there could be no private property, and hence no justice or injustice (injustice being understood as treating someone else's goods, liberty, or life as if it were one's own). Thomas Hobbes had argued the same thing. Locke therefore provides an account of how material property could arise in the absence of government.
He begins by asserting that each individual, at a minimum, "owns" himself; this is a corollary of each individual's being free and equal in the state of nature. As a result, each must also own his own labor: to deny him his labor would be to make him a slave. One can therefore take items from the common store of goods by mixing one's labor with them: an apple on the tree is of no use to anyone — it must be picked to be eaten — and the picking of that apple makes it one's own. In an alternate argument, Locke claims that we must allow it to become private property lest all mankind have starved, despite the bounty of the world. A man must be allowed to eat, and thus have what he has eaten be his own (such that he could deny others a right to use it). The apple is surely his when he swallows it, when he chews it, when he bites into it, when he brings it to his mouth, etc.: it became his as soon as he mixed his labor with it (by picking it from the tree).
This does not yet say why an individual is allowed to take from the common store of nature. There is a necessity to do so in order to eat, but this does not yet establish why others must respect one's property, especially as they labor under the like necessity. Locke assures his readers that the state of nature is a state of plenty: one may take from communal store if one leaves a) as much and b) as good for others, and since nature is bountiful, one can take all that one can use without taking anything from someone else. Moreover, one can take only so much as one can use before it spoils. There are then two provisos regarding what one can take, the "as much and as good" condition and "spoilage."
Gold does not rot. Neither does silver, or any other precious metal or gem. They are, moreover, useless, their aesthetic value not entering into the equation. One can heap up as much of them as one wishes, or take them in trade for food. By the tacit consent of mankind, they become a form of money (one accepts gold for apples with the understanding that someone else will accept that gold for wheat). One can therefore avoid the spoilage limitation by selling all that one has amassed before it rots; the limits on acquisition thus disappear.
In this way, Locke argues that a full economic system could, in principle, exist within the state of nature. Property could therefore predate the existence of government, and thus society can be dedicated to the protection of property.
In the Twentieth Century, Marxist scholars made Locke into the founder of bourgeois capitalism. Those who were opposed to communism accepted this reading of Locke, but celebrated him for it. He has therefore become associated with capitalism.

It is a misconception that Locke and his social contract demanded a democracy. Rather, Locke felt that a legitimate contract could exist between citizens and monarchies or oligarchies. His ideas heavily influenced, however, both the American and French Revolutions. His notions of people's rights and the role of civil government provided strong support for the intellectual movements of both revolutions.

Representative government
Locke believed that the relationship between the state and its citizens took the form of a 'contract,' whereby the governed agreed to surrender certain freedoms they enjoyed under the state of nature in exchange for the order and protection provided by a state, exercised according to the rule of law. However, if the state oversteps its limits and begins to exercise arbitrary power, it forfeits its 'side' of the contract and thus, the contract becomes void; the citizens not only have the right to overthrow the state, but are indeed morally compelled to revolt and replace it. A secondary view on Locke's position of revolution argues that Locke requires that the legislative power must be dissolved, not by the actions of the common people, which effectively puts people back into the state of nature. This view would not suggest that people have the right to revolt, but rather to resist an arbitrary power to dissolve itself in order to make way for a new political structure.

Two Treatises of Government Right of revolution

Reception and Influence
Although the Two Treatises would become well-known in the second half of the eighteenth century, they were somewhat neglected when published. Between 1689 and 1694, around 200 tracts and treatises were published concerning the legitimacy of the Glorious Revolution. Three of these mention Locke, two of which were written by friends of Locke. By 1815, Locke's portrait was taken down from Christ's College, his alma mater.

Locke's influence during the American Revolutionary period is disputed. While it is easy to point to specific instances of Locke's Two Treatises being invoked, the extent of the acceptance of Lockean ideals and the role they played in the American revolution is far from clear. The Two Treatises are echoed in phrases in the Declaration of Independence and writings by Samuel Adams that attempted to gain support for the rebellion. Thomas Jefferson opined that Locke was one of the three greatest men who ever lived. The colonists frequently cited Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, which synthesized Lockean political philosophy with the common law tradition. Louis Hartz, writing at the start of the Twentieth Century, took it for granted that Locke was the political philosopher of the revolution.
This view was challenged by Bernard Bailyn and Gordon Wood, who argued that the revolution was not a struggle over property, taxation and rights, but rather "a Machiavellian effort to preserve the young republic's "virtue" from the corrupt and corrupting forces of English politics."

The Second Treatise was traditionally taken to be a refutation of Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan, the latter's support of absolute monarchism seemingly antithetical to Locke's ideal majoritarian government. Scholarship in the Twentieth Century has modified this view somewhat, though the views of Locke that result from these interpretations often have little in common.
Leo Strauss in his Natural Right and History contentiously argues that Locke is more or less Hobbesian in his conception of politics. Strauss claims that the supposed egoism of Hobbes' natural law and the ostensible altruism of Locke's can be reduced to an identical moral framework, one in which people are to treat others as others treat them, to be selfless when others are selfless, selfish when others are selfish. Strauss argued that Locke only distanced himself from Hobbes rhetorically, in order to make his system more publicly acceptable. In this way, Locke corrects Hobbes on Hobbesian principles, and so should not be read as breaking from him philosophically.
At about the same time, C. B. Macpherson argued in his Political Theory of Possessive Individualism that Hobbes and Locke stood together in laying the groundwork for proto-capitalism. He saw them both as instigators of the liberal tendency to view the subject as a possessive entity in an economic sense, and argued that Locke's striking account of property rights in the state of nature should be read primarily as a justification for market economic relationships.
The Cambridge School of political thought, led principally by Quentin Skinner, John Pocock, Richard Ashcraft, and others, developed in opposition to interpretations such as Strauss's and, to a lesser extent, Macpherson's. It focuses on placing much of Locke's political philosophy within its historical context, following the trail laid by Peter Laslett in the Introduction to his edition of the Two Treatises. Laslett argued that, contrary to the traditional view that Locke had composed the Two Treatises in order to legitimize the 1688 Glorious Revolution, they were actually written surrounding the Exclusion Crisis a decade earlier. Laslett demurred to establish a firm relationship between Locke's thought and that of Hobbes, though he did note some similar themes.
Richard Ashcraft argued in Revolutionary Politics and Locke's "Two Treatises of Government" that Locke instead wrote the Two Treatises later, and that he should therefore be associated with the Radical Whigs and the intrigues surrounding the Rye House Plot and the Monmouth Rebellion. These associations, and the economic system prevalent in England at the time, Ashcraft argued, render Macpherson's interpretation historically implausible. He also asserted that the absence of any reference to Hobbes, the questionable utility of refuting Hobbes when he was a non-issue in the most immediate debates, and the fact that Locke claims to have never read Hobbes or Spinoza, "those justly-decried names," harms any interpretation that interprets Locke as in any way responding to Hobbes. This last point is leveled most vociferously against Strauss's interpretation.
Regarding the relation between Locke's thought and that of Hobbes, the core of the dispute centers on the literary character of the Two Treatises. Those who support a connection of any sort treat the work as having been intended, at least in part, as a philosophic tract, and therefore as potentially speaking beyond the immediate political context. Those who deny such a connection insist that the Two Treatises are nothing more than a particularly popular remnant of an ideologically driven political contest, and were not meant to address any broader questions.


Ashcraft, Richard. Revolutionary Politics and Locke's "Two Treatises of Government". Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986.
Ashcraft, Richard. Locke's Two Treatises of Government. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1987.
Dunn, John. The Political Thought of John Locke. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969.
Laslett, Peter. "The English Revolution and Locke's 'Two Treatises of Government'." The Cambridge Historical Journal 12, no. 1 (1956). Pp. 40–55.
Laslett, Peter. "Introduction." Two Treatises of Government. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Macpherson, C. B. Political Theory of Possessive Individualism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962.
Pangle, Thomas L. The Spirit of Modern Republicanism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.
Strauss, Leo. Natural Right and History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953.
Waldron, Jeremy. God, Locke, and Equality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Zuckert, Michael. P. Natural Rights and the New Republicanism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
Zuckert, Michael P. Launching Liberalism. University Press of Kansas, 2002.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Coordinates: 32°32′11″N, 44°25′15″E
Babylon was a city of ancient Mesopotamia, the ruins of which can be found in present-day Al Hillah, Babil Province; Iraq about 80km south of Baghdad. It was the "holy city" of Babylonia from around 2300 BC, and the seat of the Neo-Babylonian Empire from 612 BC. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
The form Babylon is the Greek variant of Akkadian Babilu (bāb-ilû, meaning "Gateway of the god(s)", translating Sumerian KA.DINGIR.RA). In the Bible, the name appears as בבל (Babel), interpreted by Genesis 11:9 to mean "confusion", from the verb balal, "to confuse".

During the reign of Sennacherib of Assyria, Babylonia was in a constant state of revolt, led by Mushezib-Marduk, and suppressed only by the complete destruction of the city of Babylon. In 689 BC, its walls, temples and palaces were razed, and the rubble was thrown into the Arakhtu, the canal bordering the earlier Babylon on the south. This act shocked the religious conscience of Mesopotamia; the subsequent murder of Sennacherib was held to be in expiation of it, and his successor Esarhaddon hastened to rebuild the old city, to receive there his crown, and make it his residence during part of the year. On his death, Babylonia was left to be governed by his elder son Shamash-shum-ukin, who eventually headed a revolt in 652 BC against his brother in Nineveh, Assurbanipal.
The city of Babylon was reputedly surrounded by a wall 90 m high, 24 m wide, and 97 km in circumference. The wall was also buried 10 m into the soil in order to prevent enemies from burrowing into the city limits.
Once again, Babylon was besieged by the Assyrians and starved into surrender. Assurbanipal purified the city and celebrated a "service of reconciliation", but did not venture to "take the hands" of Bel. In the subsequent overthrow of the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonians saw another example of divine vengeance.

Assyrian period

Main article: Neo-Babylonian Empire Neo-Babylonian Empire
In 539 BC the Neo-Babylonian Empire fell to Cyrus the Great, king of Persia. It is said that Cyrus walked through the gates of Babylon without encountering any resistance (see Hebrew Scriptures Isa 45:1-4). He later issued a decree permitting the exiled Jews to return to their own land, and allowed their temple to be rebuilt.
Under Cyrus and the subsequent Persian king Darius I, Babylon became the capital city of the 9th Satrapy (Babylonia in the south and Athura in the north), as well as a centre of learning and scientific advancement. In Achaemenid Persia, the ancient Babylonian arts of astronomy and mathematics were revitalised and flourished, and Babylonian scholars completed maps of constellations. The city was the administrative capital of the Persian Empire, the preeminent power of the then known world, and it played a vital part in the history of that region for over two centuries. Many important archaeological discoveries have been made that can provide a better understanding of that era[3][4].
The early Persian kings had attempted to maintain the religious ceremonies of Marduk, but by the reign of Darius III, over-taxation and the strains of numerous wars led to a deterioration of Babylon's main shrines and canals, and the disintegration of the surrounding region. Despite three attempts at rebellion in 522 BC, 521 BC, and 482 BC, the land and city of Babylon remained solidly under Persian rule for two centuries, until Alexander the Great's entrance in 331 BC.

Hellenistic Period
Under the Parthian, and later, Sassanid Persians, Babylon remained a province of the Persian Empire for nine centuries, until around 650 AD. It continued to have its own culture and peoples, who spoke varieties of Aramaic, and who continued to refer to their homeland as Babylon. Some examples of their cultural products are found in: the Babylonian Talmud, the Mandaean religion, and the religion of the prophet Mani.

Persian Empire Period
Historical knowledge of Babylon's topography is derived from classical writers, the inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar, and several excavations, including those of the Deutsche Orientgesellschaft begun in 1899. The layout is that of the Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar; the older Babylon destroyed by Sennacherib having left few, if any, traces behind.
Most of the existing remains lie on the east bank of the Euphrates, the principal ones being three vast mounds: the Babil to the north, the Qasr or "Palace" (also known as the Mujelliba) in the centre, and the Ishgn "Amran ibn" All, with the outlying spur of the Jumjuma, to the south. East of these come the Ishgn el-Aswad or "Black Mound" and three lines of rampart, one of which encloses the Babil mound on the N. and E. sides, while a third forms a triangle with the S.E. angle of the other two. West of the Euphrates are other ramparts, and the remains of the ancient Borsippa.
We learn from Herodotus and Ctesias that the city was built on both sides of the river in the form of a square, and was enclosed within a double row of lofty walls, or a triple row according to Ctesias. Ctesias describes the outermost wall as 360 stades (42 miles/68 km) in circumference, while according to Herodotus it measured 480 stades (56 miles/90 km), which would include an area of about 520 km² (approx. 200 square miles).
The estimate of Ctesias is essentially the same as that of Q. Curtius (v. I. 26) -- 368 stades -- and Cleitarchus (ap. Diod. Sic. ii. 7) -- 365 stades; Strabo (xvi. 1. 5) makes it 385 stades. But even the estimate of Ctesias, assuming the stade to be its usual length, would imply an area of about 260 km² (100 square miles). According to Herodotus, the width of the walls was 24 m (80 ft).

Babylon Archaeology of Babylon
In 1985, Saddam Hussein started rebuilding the city on top of the old ruins, investing in both restoration and new construction, to the dismay of archaeologists, with his name inscribed on many of the bricks, in imitation of Nebuchadnezzar. One frequent inscription reads: "This was built by Saddam Hussein, son of Nebuchadnezzar, to glorify Iraq". This recalls the ziggurat at Ur, where each individual brick was stamped with "Ur-Nammu, king of Ur, who built the temple of Nanna". These bricks became sought after as collectors' items after the downfall of Saddam, and the ruins are no longer being restored to their original state. He also installed a huge portrait of himself and Nebuchadnezzar at the entrance to the ruins, and shored up Processional Way, a large boulevard of ancient stones, and the Lion of Babylon, a black rock sculpture about 2,600 years old.
When the Gulf War ended, he wanted to build a modern palace, also over some old ruins, it was made in the pyramidal style of a Sumerian ziggurat. He named it Saddam Hill. In 2003, he was ready to begin the construction of a cable car line over Babylon when the invasion began and halted the project.
Interestingly enough, an article published in the New York Times in April 2006 states that UN officials and the Iraqi administration have plans for restoring Babylon, making it a gem of a new Iraq as a cultural center complete with shopping malls, hotels, and maybe even a theme park. [5][6]

US forces were criticised for building a helipad on ancient Babylonian ruins following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, under the command of General James T. Conway of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. The vibrations from helicopter landings led a nearby Babylonian structure to collapse.[7]
US forces have occupied the site for some time and have caused damage to the archaeological record. In a report of the British Museum's Near East department, Dr. John Curtis describes how parts of the archaeological site were levelled to create a landing area for helicopters, and parking lots for heavy vehicles. Curtis wrote that the occupation forces
"caused substantial damage to the Ishtar Gate, one of the most famous monuments from antiquity [...] US military vehicles crushed 2,600-year-old brick pavements, archaeological fragments were scattered across the site, more than 12 trenches were driven into ancient deposits and military earth-moving projects contaminated the site for future generations of scientists [...] Add to all that the damage caused to nine of the moulded brick figures of dragons in the Ishtar Gate by people trying to remove the bricks from the wall."
The head of the Iraqi State Board for Heritage and Antiquities, Donny George, said that the "mess will take decades to sort out". Colonel Coleman issued an apology for the damage done by military personnel under his command in April 2006, and explained that they were protecting the site from looters of the strife that filled the streets of Iraq's major cities following the fall of Saddam.
Col Coleman argues that whatever his troops did, the alternative would have been far worse. If they hadn't moved in, Babylon would have been left at the mercy of looters, he says. [8]

Further reading

Kings of Babylon
Akkad, Assur
Tower of Babel, Babel
Babylon (Egypt)
Whore of Babylon
Babylon (New Testament)
List of monarchies

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal is an award of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration that was established in the year 1991. The medal is awarded to both civilian members of NASA and military astronauts.
To be awarded the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal, a NASA member must make substantial contributions characterized by a substantial and significant improvement in operations, efficiency, service, financial savings, science, or technology which directly contribute to the mission of NASA. For civilians, the decoration is typically bestowed to mid level and senior NASA administrators who have supervised at least four to five successful NASA missions. Astronauts may be awarded the decoration after two to three space flights.
Due to the prestige of the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal, it is authorized as a military decoration for display on active duty military uniforms upon application from the service member to the various branch of the military in which they serve.

NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal Notable Recipients of the Medal

Chris Adami JPL physicist
Richard Arenstorf Vanderbilt University mathematician
Gordon Cooper astronaut
Carl Sagan astronomer
Alan Shepard astronaut

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Odet de Coligny (10 July 1517 - 14 February 1571), cardinal of Châtillon, bishop of Beauvais, son of Gaspard I de Coligny and Louise de Montmorency, and brother of Gaspard and François, Seigneur d'Andelot.

Odet de Coligny Life
His birth at Chatillon, as his parents' second son, was recorded in his mother's book of hours.

Odet de Coligny Birth
He occupied high church offices during this initial part of his career. He became prior of Saint-Stephan in Beaume in 1530. At the papal consistory of November 7, 1533 (at 16 and whilst still a layman) he was created cardinal deacon, receiving the red hat and the titular church of Santi Sergio e Bacco three days later. Soon afterwards he became Abbot of Saint Bénigne de Dijon, of Fleury, of Ferrière and of Vaux de Cernay.
In 1534 he became a Canon in Paris, participated in a papal conclave, and was made administrator of the metropolitan see of Toulouse on April 29, despite not yet having been ordained a priest. This he held until his resignation from that role on October 20, 1550. Meanwhile, on October 20, 1535, he had become administrator of the see of Beauvais, and Abbot of Saint-Lucien de Beauvais from 1537.
He opted for the deaconry of S. Adriano on February 25, 1549 and participated in the papal conclave of 1549-1550. He was placed in charge of the library of France's Royal Privy Council and, using this and his other offices, he protected his friends Ronsard and Rabelais (in 1550 obtaining for the latter a ten year monopoly on book-printing - Rabelais dedicated his Quart Livre to Odet in gratitude).
In 1556 he became abbot of Ferrières on the recommendation of Pope Pius IV and Henry II, and four years later, Pius named him grand inquisitor of France, though the French parliament's opposition to the inquisition prevented him taking up the post.
Sometime after 1560 he also became abbot of Grandchamps, of Quincy and (from 1560) of Vézelay. In sum, then, he was Abbot of St. Euvertius, of Fontainejean, Ferrières, and St. Benoît, and from 1554 to 1560 prior (and after 1560 provost) of St-Pierre de Mâcon.


Article, and image of his tomb
Biography, in French
Another biography
An image of him as Neptune

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ilkka Tuomi
Ilkka Tuomi (26 September 1958—), a native of Finland, is noted for writings on the subject of the Internet.

Ilkka Tuomi was a staff member of the Institute For Prospective Technological Studies. He has also been Principal Scientist at the Nokia Research Center. He is Chief Scientist at Oy Meaning Processing Ltd., an independent research institute located in Finland.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sirimavo Bandaranaike
Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike (April 17, 1916 - October 10, 2000) was a politician from Sri Lanka. She was prime minister of Sri Lanka three times, 1960-1965, 1970-1977 and 1994-2000, and was the world's first female prime minister. She was a leader of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party. She was the wife of a previous Sri Lankan prime minister, Solomon Bandaranaike and the mother of Sri Lanka's third president, Chandrika Kumaratunga. She was also mother of Anura Bandaranaike, Sri Lankan tourism minister and Sunethra Bandaranaike, philanthropist.

Style of functioning
Known to her fellow Sri Lankans as "Mrs. B," she could skilfully use popular emotion to boost her support, frequently bursting into tears as she pledged to continue her dead husband's policies. He, Prime Minister Solomon Bandaranaike, was shot dead by a man dressed as a Buddhist monk in 1959. Her opponents and critics called her the "weeping widow" .

Sunday, January 20, 2008

In physics, antineutrinos, the antiparticles of neutrinos, are neutral particles produced in nuclear beta decay. These are emitted in beta particle emissions, where a neutron turns into a proton. They have a spin of 1/2, and they are part of the lepton family of particles. The antineutrinos observed so far all have right-handed helicity (i.e., only one of the two possible spin states has ever been seen), while the neutrinos are left-handed. Antineutrinos interact with other matter only through the gravitational and weak forces, making them very difficult to detect experimentally. Neutrino oscillation experiments indicate that antineutrinos have mass, but beta decay experiments constrain that mass to be very small.
Because antineutrinos and neutrinos are neutral particles it is possible that they are actually the same particle. Particles which have this property are known as Majorana particles. If neutrinos are indeed Majorana particles then the neutrinoless double beta decay process is allowed. Several experiments have been proposed to search for this process.
Sandia National Laboratories is researching the use of antineutrino detectors to monitor nuclear reactors, and to detect very low yield nuclear tests; such tests with yield under 1 kiloton are difficult to detect using conventional seismic detectors if evasive methods like eg. seismic decoupling are used. Spectral analysis of antineutrinos produced by the reactors can be used to remotely assert the isotopic composition of the reactor core. [1]

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The word algorithm does not have a generally accepted definition. Researchers are actively working in formalizing this term. This article will present some of the "characterizations" of the notion of "algorithm" in more detail.
This article is a supplement to the article Algorithm.

The problem of definition
There is more consensus on the "characterization" of the notion of "simple algorithm".
All algorithms need to be specified in a formal language, and the "simplicity notion" arises from the simplicity of the language. The Chomsky (1956) hierarchy is a containment hierarchy of classes of formal grammars that generate formal languages. It is used for classifying of programming languages and abstract machines.
From the Chomsky hierarchy perspective, if the algorithm can be specified on a more simple language (than unrestricted), it can be characterized by this kind of language, else it is a typical "unrestricted algorithm".
Examples: a "general purpose" macro language, like M4 is unrestricted (Turing complete), but the C preprocessor macro language is not, soon any algorithm expressed in C preprocessor is a "simple algorithm".
See also Relationships between complexity classes.

Chomsky hierarchy

Characterizations of the notion of "algorithm"
This section is longer and more detailed than the others because of its importance to the topic: Kleene was the first to propose that all calculations/computations -- of every sort, the totality of -- can equivalently be (i) calculated by use of five "primitive recursive operators" plus one special operator called the mu-operator, or be (ii) computed by the actions of a Turing machine or an equivalent model.
Furthermore he opined that either of these would stand as a definition of algorithm.
A reader first confronting the words that follow may well be confused, so a brief explanation is in order. Calculation means done by hand, computation means done by Turing machine (or equivalent). (Sometimes an author slips and interchanges the words). A "function" can be thought of as an "input-output box" into which a person puts natural numbers called "arguments" or "parameters" (but only the counting numbers including 0 -- the positive integers) and gets out a single positive integer (including 0) (conventionally called "the answer"). Think of the "function-box" as a little man either calculating by hand using "general recursion" or computing by Turing machine (or an equivalent machine).
"Effectively calculable/computable" is more generic and means "calculable/computable by some procedure, method, technique ... whatever...". "General recursive" was Kleene's way of writing what today is called just "recursion"; however, "primitive recursion" -- calculation by use of the five recursive operators -- is a lesser form of recursion that lacks access to the sixth, additional, mu-operator that is needed only in rare instances. Thus most of life goes on requiring only the "primitive recursive functions."

1943, 1952 Stephen Kleene's characterization
In 1943 Kleene proposed what has come to be known as Church's thesis:
"Thesis I. Every effectively calculable function (effectively decidable predicate) is general recursive" (First stated by Kleene in 1943 (reprinted page 274 in Davis, ed. The Undecidable; appears also verbatim in Kleene (1952) p.300)
In a nutshell: to calculate any function the only operations a person needs (technically, formally) are the 6 primitive operators of "general" recursion (nowadays called the operators of the mu recursive functions).
Kleene's first statement of this was under the section title "12. Algorithmic theories". He would later amplify it in his text (1952) as follows:
"Thesis I and its converse provide the exact definition of the notion of a calculation (decision) procedure or algorithm, for the case of a function (predicate) of natural numbers" (p. 301, boldface added for emphasis)
(His use of the word "decision" and "predicate" extends the notion of calculability to the more general manipulation of symbols such as occurs in mathematical "proofs".)
This is not as daunting as it may sound -- "general" recursion is just a way of making our everyday arithmetic operations from the five "operators" of the primitive recursive functions together with the additional mu-operator as needed. Indeed, Kleene gives 13 examples of primitive recursive functions and Boolos-Burgess-Jeffrey add some more, most of which will be familiar to the reader -- e.g. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, exponentiation, the CASE function, concatenation, etc, etc; for a list see Some common primitive recursive functions.
Why general-recursive functions rather than primitive-recursive functions?
Kleene et. al. (cf §55 General recursive functions p. 270 in Kleene 1952) had to add a sixth recursion operator called the minimization-operator (written as μ-operator or mu-operator) because Ackermann (1925) produced a hugely-growing function -- the Ackermann function -- and Rózsa Péter (1935) produced a general method of creating recursive functions using Cantor's diagonal argument, neither of which could be described by the 5 primitive-recursive-function operators. With respect to the Ackermann function:
" a certain sense, the length of the computation [sic] algorithm of a recursive function which is not also primitive recursive grows faster with the arguments than the value of any primitive recursive function" (Kleene (1935) reprinted p. 246 in The Undecidable, plus footnote 13 with regards to the need for an additional operator, boldface added).
But the need for the mu-operator is a rarity. As indicated above by Kleene's list of common calculations, a person goes about their life happily computing primitive recursive functions without fear of encountering the monster numbers created by Ackermann's function (e.g. super-exponentiation ).

1943 "Thesis I", 1952 "Church's Thesis"
Turing's Thesis hypothesizes the computability of "all computable functions" by the Turing machine model and its equivalents.
To do this in an effective manner, Kleene extended the notion of "computable" by casting the net wider -- by allowing into the notion of "functions" both "total functions" and "partial functions". A total function is one that is defined for all natural numbers (positive integers including 0). A partial function is defined for some natural numbers but not all -- the specification of "some" has to come "up front". Thus the inclusion of "partial function" extends the notion of function to "less-perfect" functions. Total- and partial-functions may either be calculated by hand or computed by machine.

"Functions": include "common subtraction m-n" and "addition m+n"

"Partial function": "Common subtraction" m-n is undefined when only natural numbers (positive integers and zero) are allowed as input -- e.g. 6-7 is undefined

Total function: "Addition" m+n is defined for all positive integers and zero.
We now observe Kleene's definition of "computable" in a formal sense:
Definition: "A partial function φ is computable, if there is a machine M which computes it" (Kleene (1952) p. 360)
"Definition 2.5. An n-ary function f(x1,... xn) is partially computable if there exists a Turing machine Z such that

f(x1,... xn) = ΨZ(x1,... xn) exists that plucks xi out of the set of arguments (x1,... xn)
Boolos-Burgess-Jeffrey (2002) give the following as prose descriptions of Turing machines for:

Doubling: 2*p
With regards to the counter machine, an abstract machine model equivalent to the Turing machine:
Examples Computable by Abacus machine (cf Boolos-Burgess-Jeffrey (2002))

Exponention: (a flow-chart/block diagram description of the algorithm)
Demonstrations of computability by abacus machine (Boolos-Burgess-Jeffrey (2002)) and by counter machine (Minsky 1967):
The six recursive function operators:

  1. Zero function

  2. Successor function

  3. Identity function

  4. Composition function

  5. Primitive recursion (induction)

  6. Minimization

The fact that the abacus/counter machine models can simulate the recursive functions provides the proof that: If a function is "machine computable" then it is "hand-calculable by partial recursion". Kleene's Theorem XXIX :
"Theorem XXIX: "Every computable partial function φ is partial recursive..." (italics in original, p. 374).
The converse appears as his Theorem XXVIII. Together these form the proof of their equivalence, Kleene's Theorem XXX.

Zero function
Successor function
Identity function
Composition function
Primitive recursion (induction)
Minimization 1952 "Turing's thesis"
With his Theorem XXX Kleene proves the equivalence of the two "Theses" -- the Church Thesis and the Turing Thesis. (Kleene can only hypothesize (conjecture) the truth of both thesis -- these he has not proven):
THEOREM XXX: The following classes of partial functions ... have the same members: (a) the partial recursive functions, (b) the computable functions ..."(p. 376)

Definition of "partial recursive function": "A partial function φ is partial recursive in [the partial functions] ψ1, ... ψn if there is a system of equations E which defines φ recursively from [partial functions] ψ1, ... ψn" (p. 326)
Thus by Kleene's Theorem XXX: either method of making numbers from input-numbers -- recursive functions calculated by hand or computated by Turing-machine or equivalent -- results in an "effectively calculable/computable function". If we accept the hypothesis that every calculation/computation can be done by either method equivalently we have accepted both Kleene's Theorem XXX (the equivalence) and the Church-Turing Thesis (the hypothesis of "every").

1952 Church-Turing Thesis
The notion of separating out Church's and Turing's theses from the "Church-Turing thesis" appears not only in Kleene (1952) but in Blass-Gurevich (2003) as well. But there while there are agreements, there are disagreements too:
"...we disagree with Kleene that the notion of algorithm is that well understood. In fact the notion of algorithm is richer these days than it was in Turing's days. And there are algorithms, of modern and classical varieties, not covered directly by Turing's analysis, for example, algorithms that interact with their environments, algorithms whose inputs are abstract structures, and geometric or, more generally, non-discrete algorithms" (Blass-Gurevich (2003) p. 8, boldface added)

A note of dissent: "There's more to algorithm..." Blass and Gurevich (2003)
A. A. Markov (1954) provided the following definition of algorithm:
"1. In mathematics, "algorithm" is commonly understood to be an exact prescription, defining a computational process, leading from various initial data to the desired result...."
"The following three features are characteristic of algorithms and determine their role in mathematics:

"a) the precision of the prescription, leaving no place to arbitrariness, and its universal comprehensibility -- the definiteness of the algorithm;
"b) the possibility of starting out with initial data, which may vary within given limits -- the generality of the algorithm;
"c) the orientation of the algorithm toward obtaining some desired result, which is indeed obtained in the end with proper initial data -- the conclusiveness of the algorithm." (p.1)
He admitted that this definition "does not pretend to mathematical precision" (p. 1). His 1954 monograph was his attempt to define algorithm more accurately; he saw his resulting definition -- his "normal" algorithm -- as "equivalent to the concept of a recursive function" (p. 3). His definition included four major components (Chapter II.3 pp.63ff):
"1. Separate elementary steps, each of which will be performed according to one of [the substitution] rules... [rules given at the outset]
"2. ... steps of local nature ... [Thus the algorithm won't change more than a certain number of symbols to the left or right of the observed word/symbol]
"3. Rules for the substitution formulas ... [he called the list of these "the scheme" of the algorithm]
"4. ...a means to distinguish a "concluding substitution" [i.e. a distinguishable "terminal/final" state or states]
In his Introduction Markov observed that "the entire significance for mathematics" of efforts to define algorithm more precisely would be "in connection with the problem of a constructive foundation for mathematics" (p. 2). Ian Stewart (cf Encyclopedia Britannica) shares a similar belief: "...constructive analysis is very much in the same algorithmic spirit as computer science...". For more see constructive mathematics and Intuitionism.
Distinguishability and Locality: Both notions first appeared with Turing (1936-1937) --
"The new observed squares must be immediately recognizable by the computer [sic: a computer was a person in 1936]. I think it reasonable to suppose that they can only be squares whose distance from the closest of the immediately observed squares does not exceed a certain fixed amount. Let us stay that each of the new observed squares is within L squares of one of the previously observed squares." (Turing (1936) p. 136 in Davis ed. Undecidable)
Locality appears prominently in the work of Gurevich and Gandy (1980) (whom Gurevich cites). Gandy's "Fourth Principle for Mechanisms" is "The Principle of Local Causality":
"We now come to the most important of our principles. In Turing's analysis the requirement that the action depend only on a bounded portion of the record was based on a human limitiation. We replace this by a physical limitation which we call the principle of local causation. Its justification lies in the finite velocity of propagation of effects and signals: contemporary physics rejects the possibility of instantaneous action at a distance." (Gandy (1980) p. 135 in J. Barwise et. al.)

1936, 1963, 1964 Gödel's characterization
Minsky (1967) baldly asserts that "an algorithm is "an effective procedure" and declines to use the word "algorithm" further in his text; in fact his index makes it clear what he feels about "Algorithm, synonym for Effective procedure"(p. 311):

"We will use the latter term [an effective procedure] in the sequel. The terms are roughly synonymous, but there are a number of shades of meaning used in different contexts, especially for 'algorithm'" (italics in original, p. 105)
Other writers (see Knuth below) use the word "effective procedure". This leads one to wonder: What is Minsky's notion of "an effective procedure"? He starts off with:
"...a set of rules which tell us, from moment to moment, precisely how to behave" (p. 106)
But he recognizes that this is subject to a criticism:
"... the criticism that the interpretation of the rules is left to depend on some person or agent" (p. 106)
His refinement? To "specify, along with the statement of the rules, the details of the mechanism that is to interpret them". To avoid the "cumbersome" process of "having to do this over again for each individual procedure" he hopes to identify a "reasonably uniform family of rule-obeying mechanisms". His "formulation":

"(1) a language in which sets of behavioral rules are to be expressed, and

"(2) a single machine which can interpret statements in the language and thus carry out the steps of each specified process." (italics in original, all quotes this para. p. 107)
In the end, though, he still worries that "there remains a subjective aspect to the matter. Different people may not agree on whether a certain procedure should be called effective" (p. 107)
But Minsky is undeterred. He immediately introduces "Turing's Analysis of Computation Process" (his chapter 5.2). He quotes what he calls "Turing's thesis"
"Any process which could naturally be called an effective procedure can be realized by a Turing machine" (p. 108. (Minsky comments that in a more general form this is called "Church's thesis").
After an analysis of "Turing's Argument" (his chapter 5.3) he observes that "equivalence of many intuitive formulations" of Turing, Church, Kleene, Post, and Smullyan "...leads us to suppose that there is really here an 'objective' or 'absolute' notion. As Rogers [1959] put it:

"In this sense, the notion of effectively computable function is one of the few 'absolute' concepts produced by modern work in the foundations of mathematics'" (Minsky p. 111 quoting Rogers, Hartley Jr (1959) The present theory of Turing machine computability, J. SIAM 7, 114-130.)

1967 Minsky's characterization
Knuth (1968, 1973) has given a list of five properties that are widely accepted as requirements for an algorithm:
Knuth offers as an example the Euclidean algorithm for determining the greatest common divisor of two natural numbers (cf. Knuth Vol. 1 p. 2).
Knuth admits that, while his description of an algorithm may be intuitively clear, it lacks formal rigor, since it is not exactly clear what "precisely defined" means, or "rigorously and unambiguously specified" means, or "sufficiently basic", and so forth. He makes an effort in this direction in his first volume where he defines in detail what he calls the "machine language" for his "mythical MIX...the world's first polyunsaturated computer" (pp. 120ff). Many of the algorithms in his books are written in the MIX language. He also uses tree diagrams, flow diagrams and state diagrams.
"Goodness" of an algorithm, "best" algorithms: Knuth states that "In practice, we not only want algorithms, we want good algorithms...." He suggests that some criteria of an algorithm's goodness are the number of steps to perform the algorithm, its "adaptability to computers, its simplicity and elegance, etc." Given a number of algorithms to perform the same computation, which one is "best"? He calls this sort of inquiry "algorithmic analysis: given an algorithm, to determine its performance characteristcis" (all quotes this paragraph: Knuth Vol. 1 p. 7)

Finiteness: "An algorithm must always terminate after a finite number of steps ... a very finite number, a reasonable number"
Definiteness: "Each step of an algorithm must be precisely defined; the actions to be carried out must be rigorously and unambiguously specified for each case"
Input: "...quantities which are given to it initially before the algorithm begins. These inputs are taken from specified sets of objects"
Output: "...quantities which have a specified relation to the inputs"
Effectiveness: "... all of the operations to be performed in the algorithm must be sufficiently basic that they can in principle be done exactly and in a finite length of time by a man using paper and pencil" 1968, 1973 Knuth's characterization
Stone (1972) and Knuth (1968, 1973) were professors at Stanford University at the same time so it is not surprising if there are similarities in their definitions (boldface added for emphasis):
"To summarize ... we define an algorithm to be a set of rules that precisely defines a sequence of operations such that each rule is effective and definite and such that the sequence terminates in a finite time." (boldface added, p. 8)
Stone is noteworthy because of his detailed discussion of what constitutes an "effective" rule – his robot, or person-acting-as-robot, must have some information and abilities within them, and if not the information and the ability must be provided in "the algorithm":
"For people to follow the rules of an algorithm, the rules must be formulated so that they can be followed in a robot-like manner, that is, without the need for thought... however, if the instructions [to solve the quadratic equation, his example] are to be obeyed by someone who knows how to perform arithmetic operations but does not know how to extract a square root, then we must also provide a set of rules for extracting a square root in order to satisfy the definition of algorithm" (p. 4-5)
Furthermore "...not all instructions are acceptable, because they may require the robot to have abilities beyond those that we consider reasonable." He gives the example of a robot confronted with the question is "Henry VIII a King of England?" and to print 1 if yes and 0 if no, but the robot has not been previously provided with this information. And worse, if the robot is asked if Aristotle was a King of England and the robot only had been provided with five names, it would not know how to answer. Thus:
"an intuitive definition of an acceptable sequence of instructions is one in which each instruction is precisely defined so that the robot is guaranteed to be able to obey it" (p. 6)
After providing us with his definition, Stone introduces the Turing machine model and states that the set of five-tuples that are the machine's instructions are "an algorithm ... known as a Turing machine program" (p. 9). Immediately thereafter he goes on say that a "computation of a Turing machine is described by stating:
"1. The tape alphabet
"2. The form in which the [input] parameters are presented on the tape
"3. The initial state of the Turing machine
"4. The form in which answers [output] will be represented on the tape when the Turing machine halts
"5. The machine program" (italics added, p. 10)
This precise prescription of what is required for "a computation" is in the spirit of what will follow in the work of Blass and Gurevich.

Algorithm characterizations 1972 Stone's characterization
"A computation is a process whereby we proceed from initially given objects, called inputs, according to a fixed set of rules, called a program, procedure, or algorithm, through a series of steps and arrive at the end of these steps with a final result, called the output. The algorithm, as a set of rules proceeding from inputs to output, must be precise and definite with each successive step clearly determined. The concept of computability concerns those objects which may be specified in principle by computations . . ."(italics in original, boldface added p. 3)

1995 Soare's characterization
A careful reading of Gurevich 2000 leads one to conclude (infer?) that he believes that "an algorithm" is actually "a Turing machine" or "a pointer machine" doing a computation. An "algorithm" is not just the symbol-table that guides the behavior of the machine, nor is it just one instance of a machine doing a computation given a particular set of input parameters, nor is it a suitably-programmed machine with the power off; rather an algorithm is the machine actually doing any computation of which it is capable. Gurevich does not come right out and say this, so as worded above this conclusion (inference?) is certainly open to debate:
" . . . every algorithm can be simulated by a Turing machine . . . a program can be simulated and therefore given a precise meaning by a Turing machine." (p. 1)
" It is often thought that the problem of formalizing the notion of sequential algorithm was solved by Church [1936] and Turing [1936]. For example, according to Savage [1987], an algorithm is a computational process defined by a Turing machine. Church and Turing did not solve the problem of formalizing the notion of sequential algorithm. Instead they gave (different but equivalent) formalizations of the notion of computable function, and there is more to an algorithm than the function it computes. (italics added p. 3)
"Of course, the notions of algorithm and computable function are intimately related: by definition, a computable function is a function computable by an algorithm. . . . (p. 4)
In Blass and Gurevich 2002 the authors invoke a dialog between "Quisani" ("Q") and "Authors" (A), using Yiannis Moshovakis as a foil, where they come right out and flatly state:
"A: To localize the disagreement, let's first mention two points of agreement. First, there are some things that are obviously algorithms by anyone's definition -- Turing machines , sequential-time ASMs [Abstract State Machines], and the like. . . .Second, at the other extreme are specifications that would not be regarded as algorithms under anyone's definition, since they give no indication of how to compute anything . . . The issue is how detailed the information has to be in order to count as an algorithm. . . . Moshovakis allows some things that we would call only declarative specifications, and he would probably use the word "implementation" for things that we call algorithms." (paragraphs joined for ease of readability, 2002:22)
This use of the word "implementation" cuts straight to the heart of the question. Early in the paper, Q states his reading of Moshovakis:
"...[H]e would probably think that your practical work [Gurevich works for Microsoft] forces you to think of implementations more than of algorithms. He is quite willing to identify implementations with machines, but he says that algorithms are something more general. What it boils down to is that you say an algorithm is a machine and Moschovakis says it is not." (2002:3)
But the authors waffle here, saying "[L]et's stick to "algorithm" and "machine", and the reader is left, again, confused. We have to wait until Dershowitz and Gurevich 2007 to get the following foonote comment:
" . . . Nevertheless, if one accepts Moshovakis's point of view, then it is the "implementation" of algorithms that we have set out to characterize."(cf Footnote 9 2007:6)

2000, 2002 Gurevich's characterization
Blass and Gurevich describe their work as evolved from consideration of Turing machines and pointer machines, specifically Kolmogorov-Uspensky machines (KU machines), Schönhage Storage Modification Machines (SMM), and linking automata as defined by Knuth. The work of Gandy and Markov are also described as influential precursors.
Gurevich offers a 'strong' definition of an algorithm (boldface added):
"...Turing's informal argument in favor of his thesis justifies a stronger thesis: every algorithm can be simulated by a Turing machine....In practice, it would be ridiculous...[Nevertheless,] [c]an one generalize Turing machines so that any algorithm, never mind how abstract, can be modeled by a generalized machine?...But suppose such generalized Turing machines exist. What would their states be?...a first-order structure ... a particular small instruction set suffices in all cases ... computation as an evolution of the state ... could be nondeterministic... can interact with their environment ... [could be] parallel and multi-agent ... [could have] dynamic semantics ... [the two underpinings of their work are:] Turing's thesis ...[and] the notion of (first order) structure of [Tarski 1933]" (Gurevich 2000, p. 1-2)
The above phrase computation as an evolution of the state differs markedly from the definition of Knuth and Stone -- the "algorithm" as a Turing machine program. Rather, it corresponds to what Turing called the complete configuration (cf Turing's definition in Undecidable, p. 118) -- and includes both the current instruction (state) and the status of the tape. [cf Kleene (1952) p. 375 where he shows an example of a tape with 6 symbols on it -- all other squares are blank -- and how to Gödelize its combined table-tape status].
In Algorithm examples we see the evolution of the state first-hand.

2003 Blass and Gurevich's characterization
Philospher Daniel Dennett analyses the importance of evolution as an algorithmic process in his 1995 book Darwin's Dangerous Idea. Dennett identifies three key features of an algorithm:
It is on the basis of this analysis that Dennett concludes that "According to Darwin, evolution is an algorithmic process" (p. 60).
However, in the previous page he has gone out on a much-further limb. In the context of his chapter titled "Processes as Algorithms" he states:
"But then . . are there any limits at all on what may be considered an algorithmic process? I guess the answer is NO; if you wanted to, you can treat any process at the abstract level as an algorithmic process. . . If what strikes you as puzzling is the uniformity of the [ocean's] sand grains or the strength of the [tempered-steel] blade, an algorithmic explanation is what will satisfy your curiosity -- and it will be the truth. . . .
"No matter how impressive the products of an algorithm, the underlying process always consists of nothing but a set of individualy mindless steps succeeding each other without the help of any intelligent supervision; they are 'automatic' by definition: the workings of an automaton." (p. 59)
It is unclear from the above whether Dennett is stating that the physical world by itself and without observers is intrinsically algorithmic (computational) or whether a symbol-processing observer is what is adding "meaning" to the observations.

Substrate Neutrality: an algorithm relies on its logical structure. Thus, the particular form in which an algorithm is manifested is not important (Dennett's example is long division: it works equally well on paper, on parchment, on a computer screen, or using neon lights or in skywriting). (p. 51)
Underlying Mindlessness: no matter how complicated the end-product of the algorithmic process may be, each step in the algorithm is sufficiently simple to be performed by a non-sentient, mechanical device. The algorithm does not require a "brain" to maintain or operate it. "The standard textbook analogy notes that algorithms are recipes of sorts, designed to be followed by novice cooks."(p. 51)
Guaranteed results: If the algorithm is executed correctly, it will always produce the same results. "An algorithm is a foolproof recipe."(p. 51) 1995 Daniel Dennett: evolution as an algorithmic process
John R. Searle and Daniel Dennett having been poking at one-another's philosophies of mind (cf philosophy of mind) for the past 30 years. Dennett hews to the Strong AI point of view that the logical structure of an algorithm is sufficient to explain mind; Searle, of Chinese room fame claims that logical structure is not sufficent, rather that: "Syntax [i.e. logical structure] is by itself not sufficient for semantic content [i.e. meaning]" (italics in original, Searle 2002:16). In other words, the "meaning" of symbols is relative to the mind that is using them; an algorithm -- a logical construct -- by itself is insufficient for a mind.
Searle urges a note of caution to those who want to define algorithmic (computational) processes as intrinsic to nature (e.g. cosmology, physics, chemistry, etc.):
"Computation . . . is observer-relative, and this is because computation is defined in terms of symbol manipulation, but the notion of a 'symbol' is not a notion of physics or chemistry. Something is a symbol only if it is used, treated or regarded as a symbol. The chinese room argument showed that semantics is not intrinsic to syntax. But what this shows is that syntax is not intrinsic to physics. . . . Something is a symbol only relative to some observer, user or agent who assigns a symbolic interpretation to it. . . you can assign a computational interpretation to anything. But if the qustion asks, 'Is consciousness intrinsically computational?' the answer is: nothing is intrinsically computational. Computation exists only relative to some agent or observer who imposes a computational interpretation on some phenomenon. This is an obvious point. I should have seen it ten years ago but I did not." (italics added, p. 17)

2002: Boolos-Burgess-Jeffrey specification of Turing machine calculation
For examples of this specification-method applied to the addition algorithm "m+n" see Algorithm examples.
Sipser begins by defining '"algorithm" as follows:
"Informally speaking, an algorithm is a collection of simple instructions for carrying out some task. Commonplace in everyday life, algorithms sometimes are called procedures or recipes (italics in original, p. 154)
"...our real focus from now on is on algorithms. That is, the Turing machine merely serves as a precise model for the definition of algorithm .... we need only to be comfortable enough with Turing machines to believe that they capture all algorithms" ( p. 156)"
Does Sipser mean that "algorithm" is just "instructions" for a Turing machine, or is the combination of "instructions + a (specific variety of) Turing machine"? For example, he defines the two standard variants (multi-tape and non-deterministic) of his particular variant (not the same as Turing's original) and goes on, in his Problems (pages 160-161), to describes four more variants (write-once, doubly-infinite tape (i.e. left- and right-infinite), left reset, and "stay put insted of left). In addition he sneaks in a couple constraints on his definition. First, the input must be encoded as a string (p. 157) and when applied to complexity theory the string's encoding must be "reasonable":
"But note that unary notation for encoding numbers (as in the number 17 encoded by the uary string 11111111111111111) isn't reasonable because it is exponentially larger than truly reasonable encodings, such as base k notation for any k ≥ 2."(p. 259)
van Emde Boas comments on a similar problem with respect to the random access machine (RAM) abstract model of computation sometimes used in place of the Turing machine when doing "analysis of algorithms": "The absence or presence of multiplicative and parallel bit manipulation operrations is of relevance for the correct understanding of some results in the analysis of algorithms.
". . . [T]here hardly exists such as a thing as an "innocent" extension of the standard RAM mdel in the uniform time measures; either one only has additiive arithmetic or one might as well include all reasonable multiplicative and/or bitwise Boolean instructions on small operands." (van Emde Boas, 1990:26)
With regards to a "description language" for algorithms Sipser finishes the job that Stone and Boolos-Burgess-Jeffrey started (boldface added). He offers us three levels of description of Turing machine algorithms (p. 157):
High-level description: "wherein we use ... prose to describe an algorithm, ignoring the implementation details. At this level we do not need to mention how the machine manages its tape or head."
Implementation description: "in which we use ... prose to describe the way that the Turing machine moves its head and the way that it stores data on its tape. At this level we do not give details of states or transition function."
Formal description: "... the lowest, most detailed, level of description... that spells out in full the Turing machine's states, transition function, and so on."